You can almost smell the diesel as these big rigs muscle their loads to the job site. Here we present the plans for a tractor, followed by two trailers:
a side-dump, as well as a lowboy for transporting your excavator or bulldozer.
Kit options: RS-00892T (Tractor) RS-00892LB (Low Boy Trailer) RS-00892SD (Side Dump) Click on smaller
images to see each kit
Kits contains all of the wheels, axle pegs and hardware shown.
Plan is sold separately. Item# MD-00892
Tractor: 13" L Side Dump: 21" L Low Boy: 28 1/2" L
WOOD Magazine Construction-Grade Tractor & Trailers Hardware or Plan
Ships within 1-3 days
Phone: 319-656-2374
Phone Hours 10 to 3 Central Time M-F
Showroom Hours --10am to 3 pm M-F
720 14th St.
Kalona, Iowa 52247
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